Thursday, July 23, 2009


Anxiously awaiting!! .................................Finally here! What a cutie!

My TWO beautiful girls!
Family picture July 1st....................................Family Picture July 2nd
First of many years of birthday cakes together!
We had a great delivery on July 2nd. They started me on a VERY SLOW Pitocin drip at 7am. We wanted a very slow and smooth delivery so that there was very little stress on the clot in my leg. We achieved our goal and had a safe, calm delivery with little pain or pushing. I love having Bradley by my side. He gets so excited and I just love watching his face as everything progresses. I had to stay in the hospital for 4 more days, totaling my stay to 26 days. We couldn't be happier to have Eliza here and to all be home together. We wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and thoughts. They gave us strength every day and we are so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends. Looking back now I am greatful for everything that happened, even the pain. The pain from the clot was unbearable but I am greatful it was there. Sometimes with clots there is no pain. If that were the case with me then things might have been a lot worse. So although I never want to have that kind of pain again, I am greatful I had it. I have also grown to love Bradley and Kate so much more. I was so concerned for Bradley. He would come to the hospital every day sometimes 2-3 times. He was exhausted physically and emotionally. He was just doing his best to keep us together as a family. I am so greatful to him for all he did and still does for us. This was just as hard for him to go through. I would be just fine at one visit and then in pain the next and he couldn't do anything about it. I missed him so bad and just wanted to be with him and hated to see him go. I have grown to love him even more and am greatful for the opprotunity for our love to grow even more. Little Kate, actually she's Big Kate. I missed my buddy. I didn't realize how much fun we had during the day and how I missed her. She would make me laugh and keep me entertained every day. Sitting in the hospital, I really missed seeing her all day. And when she would come in the evenings to see me, she brightened up the whole room. The nurses would ask when Kate was coming because they watned to say hi and talk to her. She has grown up so much and she is the best big sister. She loves giving Eliza kisses and loves to hold her. Eliza is a great baby. It seems like I am able to enjoy her more this time than I did with Kate. It must be that I know the late nights and all day feedings will be over soon and she will grow up so fast. She is already growing so fast and it is fun to see her explore the world around her. We are now working on living life all back together again. It is taking some adjusting but we are all happier to be together and to finally have Eliza here with us!

1 comment:

  1. i love your cute family!!! she is just so adorable!!! who needs brothers when you have all these boy cousins to watch out for you:)cant wait to see more of eliza. hope your leg is getting better and you are getting some energy back:) love you!p.s.this is the last time i have a baby mid summer. i cant leave the house its just too hot!!!
